Chain/Mesh Extra Cold Shoulder Top
I started this piece in 2018, with a discount-rack cold shoulder top. The chain seemed too heavy to stay put; and the fabric too flimsy to hold eyelets. I got one shoulder sort of working, but then put the whole thing in a bag for several months. When I went back to it, I had a better work setup, more time/patience, and a different attitude. It came together quickly after that.
I had to pin/adjust this on myself, which was tricky, but I liked the way the mesh came out looking imprecise/more organic.
Thyere's mesh on the left shoulder also. The wig was styled by my good friend Sarah
A diffrerent view of the top. This is paired with a long coat with a feathered lapel/neckline (another thrift store purchase from which I transplanted the feathers to an inexpensive coat)